At the Council of Presidents (COP) meeting held during the SSEAYP International General Assembly (SIGA) in Ilo Ilo, Philippines, on April 2017, the COP endorsed Project 3050 to be organised in the respective ASEAN countries and Japan. This was to be held on the 6 August 2017, at the respective countries to commemorate the 30th anniversary of SSEAYP International (SI) and 50 years since the formation of ASEAN.
About 150 members of SIS, Host Families, and the 44th SSEAYP Singapore contingent befriended and entertained the residents of SWAMI (Sunshine Welfare Action Mission) Home. The residents were treated to multi-cultural performances presented by various foreign missions of ASEAN and Japan, residents of the home as well as members of SIS, including the 44th SPYs.
More photos of the event can be viewed on our Facebook page at: